The app
This app will provide up to date information regarding ongoing sales, promotions, deals and special offers in bulgarian malls, shopping centres and external product and service providers.
Never miss the coolest deals on the market near You.
Our phylosophy is starting locally and growing bigger and bigger. The app targets an area where lots of paper is consumed pointlessly and then trashed. Our ultimate goal is to substitute the paper with electronic coupons and electronic flyers. When we expand this app to a certain point we will start offering it to third party companies as a ready to go software that will work for them simply outside of the box.
Nowadays pedestrians are flooded with brochures that they don't even read which usually end up in the trash.
Young people today love smart phones, these devices are more than available today - there are devices with quad core processors running android for less than $100. Mobile apps are trendy and are used on a daily bases. Businesses turn to apps instead of web sites. Every reputable shopping mall has its own app.
Our purpose
A SHELTER Foundation is a cause based non for profit charity foundation which means we will not work for profit. The purpose of this foundation is to accumulate capital to invest in charity causes while also educating the masses regarding various environmental problems
Our mission
A SHELTER Foundation is oriented towards the environmental problems caused by humans interacting the nature. We want to recover the equilibrium by developing projects, causes and initiatives to restore the health in the ecosystems.
Field of action
We are:
– growing forests
– building shelters
– helping people in need
– helping homeless and injured animals
– educating the masses & building information campaigns
– involving voluntary workers to support our causes
– developing and implementing environmental projects
– raising money to fuel our causes
Projects, Causes and Initiatives
Please follow the link and go to our Projects page