Information Security Hygiene

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The initiative

The goal of this initiative is implementing self-awareness in the information flow. Nowadays technology makes us an inseparable part of the total information flow. And we need to manage the flow in the best way possible both online and offline.

With great power comes great responsibility

Modern technology brings unprecedented access to global knowledge but we should always remember the ease of information access is a two way process which means the easier it is for You to find information online, the easier it becomes for a third party to peak Your sensitive information.

After we become aware of the above fact, it is mandatory to start managing the outgoing information flow properly. Achieving the best prevention practices is a matter of education, so we've devided the best practices into 3 categories depending on the needs.
- Information Security Hygiene - Age: 7-12
- Information Security Hygiene - Age: 13 and above
- Information Security Hygiene for business

We will also have to educate and audit the other side. So we will have to establish mechanisms for preparing the companies for the new and higher standards of privacy data management

Plans for 2017

We are in the process of making a fairy tale book featuring an adventure story suitable for children (7-12). We are also making a textbook suitable for high school students which will be available for secondary education schools, and a book for business needs to cover different scenarios and the proper practices for achieving good information security. These books will cover online as well as offline scenarios and practices.

Plans for 2018

In 2018 the European GDPR directive (here) will take effect, which tightens the security requirements for personal data management. The companies are far from ready to deal with the whole new level of requirements, so we decided to create a new department which will:
            - help victims of private data thefth
            - inspect companies which are not ready to meet the new requirements
            - help victims file a proper complaint
            - inform the EU commission to initiate a revision of careless and rogue companies
            - file class actions on behalf of customers against specific entities who refuse to cease bad practices

Our purpose

A SHELTER Foundation is a cause based non for profit charity foundation which means we will not work for profit. The purpose of this foundation is to accumulate capital to invest in charity causes while also educating the masses regarding various environmental problems

Our mission

A SHELTER Foundation is oriented towards the environmental problems caused by humans interacting the nature. We want to recover the equilibrium by developing projects, causes and initiatives to restore the health in the ecosystems.

Field of action

We are:
   – growing forests
   – building shelters
   – helping people in need
   – helping homeless and injured animals
   – educating the masses & building information campaigns
   – involving voluntary workers to support our causes
   – developing and implementing environmental projects
   – raising money to fuel our causes

Projects, Causes and Initiatives

Please follow the link and go to our Projects page